A as in SAGER Dismantled Neon Letter G e L i003 c A

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Times!

Originally uploaded by chica_wf
Happy Times with my beautiful daughter Alyssa! We were having lunch on the riverwalk in San Antonio. It is one of our favorite places to visit. ;)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thing # 3

I think that blogging can be very useful to me, parents, students, and other teachers. It is a great way to communicate. I will be able to reflect on my teaching experiences and share ideas for teaching activities to use in my classroom. I could definitely communicate with parents and post class related information like calendars, activites, homework assignments and other class information. It could be my newsletter online! I could also post pictures from class and field trips for students to view with their families at home. I could teach students how to blog and post comments. Students can communicate with each other by blogging to have discussions, express their opinions, and share ideas also. It could be a very useful tool!

Thing # 2

Well, here it goes! This course is turning out to be fun. I really think that this will help me to better communicate with my parents next year. I want to set up a blog site in the fall so that parents can communicate with me in maybe a different way that they may feel more comfortable. I named the blog "23 Things" because all of my posts will be a reflection of my learning in this course. As I was creating the blog, I found it to be similar to another social networking site that I have been on before. I was able to copy and paste HTML codes and fill in information similar to the other site. After I realized how similar it was, I found it easier to set up. It was a little different because I do not have much experience with actual blogging. Creating the Avatar was fun. I felt like a little girl again playing dress up with a barbie. My daughter got a kick out of me playing dress up online, lol. I feel like it reflects me as close as I could get. I chose the coffee house background because I love coffee and blogging makes me think of a coffee house. As I go through this course and post blogs and make comments, I am socializing like I would in a coffee house. When I saw the background I knew it was a good fit for this course! =)

Thing # 1

Wow! This is going to be such an interesting course. I am really interested in learning about podcasting, blogging, and video/image hosting sites. I just took the first thing and I am excited about the next thing. I am a little behind getting started due to working this summer to make some extra money and trying to reach another goal. Therefor, I have some catching up to do. So far, I have read about the 7 1/2 habits needed to become lifelong learners. I believe habit #1 is the easiest for me because I always set a goal for myself and make a plan to get there. Now, do I always reach my goals is another answer, lol. I try hard and face problems as challenges like habit #3 says, but I don't always do my part and accept responsibility for my learning like habit # 2 says to do. I would have to say the hardest habit for me to keep is #4. I don't always have confidence in myself to reach my goals without giving up. Many times I feel like giving up and get sidetracked by problems or challenges. My goal for this course is to come away from it knowing more about modern technology and how to use it in the classroom. I WILL finish this course on time and I WILL use something from it in my classroom next year. I WILL play! =)