A as in SAGER Dismantled Neon Letter G e L i003 c A

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing # 11

I continued to explore RSS with my Google reader. I found some great sites to subscribe to and found myself lost in all there was available. I stayed away from the prepackaged bundles so that my feeds could be customized to what I enjoy. I was able to locate many blogs, facebook, and MySpace of friends and family. I remembered some sites from my other class on del.icio.us. I typed in websites that I new on the search feature as well as typed in topics that came to mind to find feeds available. I also filtered out some by looking at the number of subscribers to the left of the suggested feed. I peeked into several other blogs to see what other classmates had found. As I said before, I never really got into blogging. I find that it is so interesting to hear what other people have to say and know what is going on with other people also. I added several blogs to my reader and many more sites I found interesting. I am at about 20 feeds right now, I think I might go over that soon!

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