A as in SAGER Dismantled Neon Letter G e L i003 c A

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thing # 20

I love You Tube! I am so glad to finally have gotten to this point! I have been working so hard to get through all the stuff I didn't know and now I seem to be breezing right through the stuff I do know. =) I could be on You Tube for hours. There are so many interesting videos to find on just about any topic. You can find television clips you may have missed, or even your favorite television commercials. There are endless possibilities! I chose a video on Barak Obama because I think he is probably going to be our next president. I like what he had to say. There are lots of good videos with him on this site. It is always interesting to read the comments people write about the videos. You are also given links to similar videos to view. You tube is great!
Of course, there is bad press about the videos that you don't want to see. Just explore and look for videos that do interest you. I could find many interesting videos to use in my classroom on this site, but unfortunately, there are too many videos that should not be be available to students. If there were a way to filter this site for school use, You Tube would be a great classroom tool. Right now, I like to use PowerMediaPlus. It seems to be a great site to use and is student friendly. The school district gave training through Library Services a couple of years ago on this. I also discovered Teacher Tube while playing with this part of 23 things. It might be worth putting on my del.icio.us account.

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